Dejan’s European Bakery is now open at 771 Bedford Hwy, in the newly converted former Esquire Motel
3 Mile Outfitters is now open at 124 Chain Lake Dr. attached to the 5k Cafe
The new apartment building behind the Canadian Tire in Spryfield will be home to a Flynn’s Dairy Bar
Buck Ugly’s soft opened at 5287 Prince Street (most recently East Side Mario’s above The Keg)
Former Clay Cafe on Quinpool is becoming a location of Southern Ontario chain Philthy Philly’s (also one opening in Sydney and already a location in Canning)
Egyptian takeout Kam Moon is opening on Washmill Lake Dr in the new plaza near Bayers Lake
Waffle Love on Gottingen is closing in a couple of weeks, their last day of service is November 13
It appeared that Vandal Doughnuts was done, but it is a temporary closure for an undetermined time.
The big open space at Dartmouth Gate on Pleasant, (and this seems like a tight fit ) will be A gym (Planet Fitness?) and a grocery store (No Frills?)
Buck Ugly’s? Philthy Philly’s? How long before we get a S#@$%y McScumbag’s?