
Dejan’s European Bakery is now open at 771 Bedford Hwy, in the newly converted former Esquire Motel

3 Mile Outfitters is now open at 124 Chain Lake Dr. attached to the 5k Cafe

The new apartment building behind the Canadian Tire in Spryfield will be home to a Flynn’s Dairy Bar

Buck Ugly’s soft opened at 5287 Prince Street (most recently East Side Mario’s above The Keg)


Former Clay Cafe on Quinpool is becoming a location of Southern Ontario chain Philthy Philly’s (also one opening in Sydney and already a location in Canning)

Egyptian takeout Kam Moon is opening on Washmill Lake Dr in the new plaza near Bayers Lake


Waffle Love on Gottingen is closing in a couple of weeks, their last day of service is November 13


ChocoMod opened on Quinpool very briefly and then closed. That was a few months ago and now it’s pappered over. I also forgot to mention a few months ago when their block neighbour Yanjing closed its doors. 

The Charger Burger/Thornhill Pizza in Spryfield closed 


“Pizza places never truly close, they just get replaced by other pizza shops” – Albert Einstein, probably. The great pizza swap continues, Hubley Pizza at 3899 St. Margarets Bay Rd. has been replaced by another location of Randys Pizza


It appeared that Vandal Doughnuts was done, but it is a temporary closure for an undetermined time.


Nothing confirmed, RUMOUR only
The big open space at Dartmouth Gate on Pleasant, (and this seems like a tight fit ) will be A gym (Planet Fitness?) and a grocery store (No Frills?)