Dairy Queen is returning near where they once were, there is a new DQ opening a few doors down from their former location at the corner of Spring Garden
Peavey Mart is closing most of their stores, including the one at Bedford Place they just opened in 2022
Bootlegger is joing its sister stores Ricki’s and Cleo and closing their location at the Big Dartmouth Mall
Unsure which brand but a Credit Union is opening at 660 Brookline, across Larry Uteck from the new school in West Bedford
Club Monaco in Halifax Shopping Centre had said they were planning to close next week but the landlord beat them too it and locked them out this weekend
Halina Cafe & Bar is replacing the longtime Fries & Co on Chebucto Rd. It appears to have a Fillipino influenced menu (and there will be breakfast) they open mid week.
Cafe Chianti closed. .https://www.cafechianti.ca/