The latest from the Bertossi Group, Matadora Tapas Bar, opened yesterday in The Cunard on Lower Water

Reitman’s is returning to Dartmouth Crossing across the parking lot of where it used to be
It will replace Laura who moved to the former Structube which has already moved to the former Home Outfitters

Arena Pizzacoming to Windsor St across from the Forum no relation to the former Arena Pizza that East Dartmouth GenX loved

Cafe Byron is opening at 2456 Agricola “coffee! fun! surf! yummy food!”
Cheese Curds / Habaneros on Windmill closed this weekend and will join Pit Stop Eats on Wright Ave
LK Yarns in the Hydrostone is moving about 45 metres (~1/8 of skein) to the former Halifax Cheese Shop / Lemonade General
and a new location of the Brown Hound Pub is going in place of current LK Yarns on the end