Two new chicken joints Seoa’s Chicken, specializing in fried chicken have opened in the converted Travellers Motel on Bedford highway. Radish Chicken is getting ready and will be opening at Monaghan Square on Young St.
Pizza Salvatore has opened on Sackville Dr. it is part of a Quebec chain, and not associated with North End pizza legend Salvatore’s
Colleens Pub on Waverly Road has announced they are looking for a new home after their landlord has decided not to renew their lease.
A small NSLC is confirmed for the new gas station in Timberlea by the Sobeys , and allegedly when done the gas station will have a McDonald’s express looks like a full McDonald’s across the street
I’m surprised the Registry Of Joint Stock companies would allow a name ‘Pizza Salvatore’s ‘ when an existing name ,so similar, is already being used …
Pizza Salvatore has a national trademark. and there are some rules in place when it’s a persons name
Thanks for the clarification
Hello Arthur……. drove out to Pizza Salvatore on 405 Sackville Drive and the renovations are not finished, nor is the establishment opened yet. Just thought a lot of folks might want to know this before they think this Franchise is open yet.